About Us

We offer two distinctly different products: bicycles and collectible coins.

We have been working with bicycles for over 40 years. Our journey began by repairing kids' bicycles in the neighborhood. We then started collecting donated bicycles, refurbishing them, and donating them to those in need. After retiring from the corporate world eight years ago, we founded Super D Services. Our business plan was straightforward: sell good, reliable refurbished bicycles at an affordable price.

We source our bicycles from police auctions throughout the Southeastern United States. Before selling, our refurbishing shop thoroughly inspects each bicycle and makes necessary repairs. In many cases, we completely disassemble the bicycles and apply new clear coating to ensure quality and appearance.

We have quickly grown to sell an average of 400 refurbished bicycles annually.

Our passion for collectible coins is driven by pure fascination. There's something remarkable about holding a coin crafted 200 years ago and contemplating its journey through history. We carefully search for exceptional deals and offer these historical treasures at reasonable prices.