Getting your bicycle ready for the spring ride.

Getting your bicycle ready for the spring ride.

In South Louisiana we are experiencing the coldest weather in many years and riding a bicycle is the furthest thing you have on your mind. But in about two months you will be thinking about getting out in the spring weather, getting exercise, or riding with the family.

Before digging that bike out and hitting the road this spring, give that bike a tune-up. Here are a few simple tips to get that bike ready.

Check the Tires

Look for signs of dry rot and check the tire pressures. The appropriate tire pressure for your specific tire is found in the sidewall of the tire.

The Chain

Inspect, clean and oil the chain. Inspection, ensure each link in the chain moves freely around the gears, if you see a link “standup” has it passes a gear indicate that link is stuck and needs to be freed up. Clean the chain using soap and water and let it air dry. Oil the chain with light oil. Rotate the chain a few times to help the oil work in then wipe any excess oil off the chain.


3.      Spin the wheels, they should rotate smoothly. If you get resistance when spinning the wheel or hear grinding the wheel bearing may need cleaning and re-greased.


4.      Check the brakes. If you have a bike with a “coaster brake” simply “back pedal”, the bike should come to a smooth stop. When you start pedaling again the brake should release. If the coaster brake fails to perform you might consider having a bike shop check it out. If you have cable brakes clean any exposed cable and apply light oil on the cable. Work the brake levers the brakes should grip the rim and then release smoothly. Inspect the cable housing for cracks. If the cables don’t move freely or the cable housing is in poor condition, consider having a bike shop to make the necessary repairs. Check the brake pads, if they are worn or cracked, replace them.

     Clean the bike

      Give the bike a general cleaning with soap and water, don’t use a pressure washer because water will be injected into the bearings.

C   Crank bearings

6.      Check the crank bearing to ensure the crank is tight but still moves freely.

7.      Ensure components like pedals and seat is tight.

Many bike shops offer bike tune up; prices will vary from shop to shop. If you have any questions about giving your bike a tune-up use the contact feature at our website and send me your question.

If you would like us to perform a tune-up or make any repairs simply let us know. Our basic repair price list is on our website.

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